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Visiting the Game of Thrones Exhibit (Costumes)

Earlier this year, to celebrate Game of Thrones, Sky Atlantic hosted the London phase of the worldwide exhibition tour at the O2 Arena. It was a chance for fans to get close to the costumes, props and interactive features and see how it is all brought to life. After spending 3 hours queuing for tickets on the internet, my wife and I were on hand to go and see what was on offer. We weren't disappointed!

I'll be describing what we saw at the exhibition but if you want to see what was in store, check out the video at the bottom of this page and it shows you everything all nicely edited together!

There were plenty of costumes at the exhibit! Whether your favourite character is Daenerys, Tyrion or Jon Snow, every main star's costume is very well presented, and displayed with a backdrop from their location. You are able to get close as well, as they are not behind glass which is very welcome. Of course you're not allowed to touch them though!

You first enter the exhibit and are presented with Sansa and Arya's costumes. Sansa's costume is her new black bird themed outfit from the end of season 4. Arya's costume is the one she wears throughout seasons 2-4.

You are then able to go and see Daenerys and Missandei's costumes from Season 4. All four costumes are all exquisitely made and have an amazing amount of detail.

The next costumes you could go and look at, were Oberyn Martell and Gregor 'The Mountain' Clegane's. These were the outfits they wore for their infamous battle during the trial of Tyrion Lannister. To be honest, Gregor Clegane's costume didn't look as big as I expected it to! After seeing the scene I thought that it would dwarf Prince Oberyn's but I guess it changes when it is dressed on the actor. You can also see the spear that was used by Oberyn.

Below you can see the costumes of all of the Lannister/Baratheon/Tyrell top table characters from the purple wedding. Again the amount of detail and care given to each costume is very impressive! The fact that Cersei and Tyrion wear black is very telling, given the scene and it's ending for poor Joff.

We were then presented with Stannis Baratheon and Melisandre's costumes from the show. Again, these are the costumes from Season 4 of the show, and show Stannis in his armour and Melisandre in her deep blood red hooded gown. The armour that Stannis wear is very plain and doesn't have any emblem's or designs woven into it, making it very practical, much like the character.

The last costumes that were on show were from North of the Wall and Castle Black. Firstly we got to see Tormund Giantsbane's wildling costume and then in a direct contrast to the white and cream furs were Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow's costume. Jon's was especially interesting to me as I am making a cosplay costume based on this very design!

In the next part of this blog I will be sharing all of the different props that we were able to see! From dragon eggs to full size White Walkers, there were an assortment of different Game of Thrones props that were displayed.

Again if you want to see all of the different costumes in detail, the video below provides a great way of exploring the exhibit. If you have any comments then please feel free to provide them in the section below. Thanks for reading!

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