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Visiting the Seven Kingdoms (Belfast 1)

This year we went to Belfast for a Game of Thrones extravaganza! The plan was to stay in the City but venture out to all of the TV series locations we could find, firstly with a guided tour and then out on our own!

In this post, I am going to discuss the guided tour we went on, all of the different locations we explored and the beautiful Belfast scenery along the Giant's Causeway!

I did some research online prior to deciding which Game of Thrones tour to go on. There are 2 options, you can either get a private tour which is more expensive but tailored for you and your group or you can go on one of the coach party tours with other tourists, which is certainly cheaper but sometimes you can go with the wrong group and the experience is ruined. As it was a christmas gift for my wife, I decided on the former option and paid the extra and I am glad that I did.

I looked online at the various tour companies and thought that I should go onto tripadvisor to get a feel from peoples reviews. There were a few that stood out, but I thought it best to enquire through the phone and ask a few questions prior to booking. I called up Belfast Attractions who run a Giant Causeway and Game of Thrones tour and spoke to Gerard who was extremely enthusiastic and helpful. He explained what we would do on the normal tour but said that he would happily change anything so that we got the most out of our day. He would pick us up from our hotel at 9am and then the tour would last until 5pm. I decided to book it, we hadnt had a guided tour in Dubrovnik, but because the majority of the filiming locations were in the walls of the Old City, we didn't need one. This would be a different kettle of fish as all the locations were dotted along the coastline and would be hard to find in one day without any local knowledge. The cost was £50 deposit and £200 cash on the day.

Three months later and as Gerard had promised on the phone, he met us at our hotel. He initially took us around some of Belfast touring the muriels and discussing the troubles that have plagued Blefast especially during the late 20th Century. This was an added extra as it wasn't something we had paid for, but was engrossing as he recounted the history surrounding the City.

We started off our Game of Thrones tour by stopping off at the Titanic Studios where they film the majority of the built sets for Game of Thrones. You can't get too close, but it was still fun to know that the Throne room, and other sets are located a few hundred yards away.

We then went off onto the motorway, heading towards the North Coast of Northern Ireland. This is where the majority of the series is filmed when on location. It's mainly the North of Westeros, including the areas surrounding Winterfell, the Iron Islands, Dragonstone and Storm's End.

We firstly went and visited the jewellers who supplied Game of Thrones with all their jewellery on the show. They had completed items like the crown, but they aren't allowed to showcase it so they only had a few different pendants in a display case upstairs. Afterwards, we went to Cushendun Caves which is where they filmed the Davos and Melisandre scene, where Melisandre gives birth to the shadow baby in Storm's End. The caves definitely are an interesting place to go and you can see that a few other scenes with Davos have been filmed on the beach there as well.

You can see a video Gerard our tour guide took of Katie and I going into the caves. (with me fluffing my lines!)

After going around and inside the caves, we headed off to the Dark Hedges! This is another kodak moment as it has beautiful overhanging trees each side of a small countryside lane. This location was used for the Kingsroad in the last episode of season 1 with Arya, Gendry and the recruits for the Night's Watch heading North to the Wall. Gerard knew exactly when to go the Dark Hedges so there wasn't too many other tourists getting in the way of our pictures!!

Even if you aren't a Game of Thrones fan, it's certainly worth going to this location as well as the Giant's Causeway just because of their natural beauty!

After a quick pitstop for some lunch and a drink of whiskey at the local disterilly, we went on with our Game of Thrones journey towards the coastline again and the Giant's Causeway. We stopped by at Murlough Bay where Theon rode (and molested) his Sister (although he didn't know it at the time!)

One of the most recognisable locations is Ballintoy Harbour where Theon Greyjoy sails back to the Iron Islands to reconcile with his Father. It's instantly recognisable but just in case you haven't watched the Season 2 episode in a while, they have put a plaque with Theon in the harbour detailing it's use in the TV Series. It's a beautiful location and with the high winds, the waves are incredible.

After enjoying Ballintoy Harbour, we set off again to Carrick-A-Rede which is a short drive away. This is the location for Renly's camp. It seems like it's a big quarry and it was a perfect setting for a big settlement to be filmed. This was the last location for the day and afterwards we headed back to Belfast with a smile on our faces from all of the great places we had visited!

If you want to find out more about taking your very own Game of Thrones tour please click the link below;

Please feel free to leave any comments below, or ask any questions! Thank you for reading my blog, next time I'll be visiting Winterfell for some archery, the Twins and Rob's Camp!

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